On October 23, the superintendent of Worcester County Public Schools made a statement on the Worcester County Public Schools facebook page to drive a false political narrative hoping to bolster the union-backed incumbent board members that are running for reelection. The superintendent declares that new candidates and their supporters have put out "rhetoric" and "misinformation," while he uses his misinformation and rhetoric to counter facts that are all documented on the official public record. In desperation, he even tries to fabricate controversy that the school system is labeled as a "swamp," teachers are labeled as "poisonous apples," and students are being attacked by candidates with "hateful language against some of our most vulnerable students." He failed to show any evidence, while politically charging the school district.
His statement reads as follows:
An Open Letter from Our Superintendent of Schools:
As Superintendent of Worcester County Public Schools, I feel it is necessary to address the rhetoric and misinformation about our schools that is circulating throughout this election cycle. While candidates are entitled to their own opinions, I will not stand idly by while our students, teachers, and staff are attacked with hateful and inaccurate discourse. To learn that some Board of Education candidates and their supporters have referred to our school system as a “swamp” that needs to be drained or implied that our dedicated teachers are “poisonous apples” or used hateful language against some of our most vulnerable students is beyond distasteful or demeaning. This rhetoric clearly shows a willful ignorance to what is actually occurring in our schools simply to mislead community members who are not connected to or informed about our schools in order to gain votes on election day.
So, let’s clear the record:
Worcester County Public Schools is the highest performing school system in the State of Maryland. While we acknowledge there is always more work to do, our success is the envy of the State, and you can see it for yourself on the Maryland State Report Card website (https://reportcard.msde.maryland.gov). To get a first-hand perspective on how we support students’ success, I encourage you to speak with your neighbors and friends who are actual parents/guardians in our school system. - Lou Taylor, Superintendent of WCPS
The superintendent touts the performance of the county, and refers to the Maryland State Report Card. He was bluffing, assumed that nobody would actually look. Here's the Worcester County data: https://bit.ly/worcesterreportcard23
For all school systems across the state, the State Report Card contains manipulated data and averages to make it appear that a school system is performing better than it actually is. Despite that fact, we'll use the state's data and take it for face value for Worcester schools.
Elementary schools have an academic achievement of 64%
Middle schools have an academic achievement of 58%
High schools have an academic achievement of 49%

Worcester County Public Schools continues to provide safe and welcoming learning environments for all students. Our data continues to trend in a positive direction in terms of school safety with 2023-2024 data showing a 28% decrease in incidents. Our work in implementing Standard Response Protocols for safety incidents was recently highlighted by the Maryland Center for School Safety. - Lou Taylor, Superintendent of WCPS
A school cannot be safe enough, and many incidents go unreported. The 28% decrease in incidents is due to the decrease in reporting those incidents - the problems never went away. The relationship between law enforcement and the school district has yet to be fully cooperative and transparent in order to improve the safety of citizens. This arrogance is dangerous, and puts people at risk. It's a game of Russian roulette, and it's just a matter of time before someone is seriously harmed.
Worcester County Public Schools has robust policies and procedures in place to vet and review instructional and school library materials. All instructional and school library materials are vetted prior to being implemented by our school system. Additionally, families that have concerns about any materials have a process available to them to initiate a review of said material. Parents/guardians also have the right to restrict what their child(ren) are able to check out from the school library as a part of this process. -Lou Taylor, Superintendent of WCPS
The superintendent refers to a robust illusionary process that's designed to fail. No parent can op-out a child from walking into the school's media center and reading a sexually-explicit book that's labeled for young adult (age 18+). The process only addresses the check-out of a book (if a title is even known by a parent). By the time a child has accessed/read/checked out a title, it's already too late. The process is smoke and mirrors to create an illusionary measure that comes down to gross willful negligence of the officials. Therefore, effective parent opt-out is non existent.
Lastly, in Worcester County Public Schools, we believe every student is deserving of respect and care. I want to use this opportunity to impress upon everyone in our community that as we talk about issues related to students or any subset of students, at the heart of these discussions are children. No child should be villainized or looked at as less than a valued member of their school community. To that end, any accommodations made for children in our schools are done in compliance with the law while ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. A great example of this is the availability of a private restroom(s) to all children at all schools. -Lou Taylor, Superintendent of WCPS
It's clear that the superintendent wants to label anyone opposed to boys in girls restrooms, locker rooms, or girls sports is somehow "villainizing students" or seeing them as "less valued." While most schools will accomodate students with an alternative restroom in the nurse's office, students are coached by activists to declare discrimination and demand to go to a restroom of choice. This is happening. This statement by the superintendent is just another illusionary measure that's willfully negligent. When someone's daughter is sexually assaulted in a school bathroom or physically overpowered on a field, we'll see who the real villain is.
Now for the facts about sitting board members that are up for reelection, with recorded dates of the official voting record, videos, and places of employment. Anyone can go to youtube and pull up the referenced Worcester channel to verify a board meeting by the date listed.
The positions and record of Elena McComas, Jon Andes, Donald Smack:
The superintendent is spinning his political narrative to redefine the meaning of "The Swamp" and "Red Apple," as we assume he is referring to something he has seen online and feels threatened by the message.
"The Swamp" refers to the corrupt government establishment of the elected BOE.
This includes six out of seven sitting board members, which Jon Andes, Elena McComas, and Donald Smack, Sr., are those who are running for reelection. They have written policy to exclude the tax paying citizens as stakeholders. The citizens no longer have any say in the policy of the school system, which is unconstitutional. They serve as obstructionists to parent involvement and transparency (despite their deceptive campaign platforms). They have even voted to not add additional night board meetings.
"Red Apple" refers to the teachers' union (AKA association) and their ballot endorsees.
When endorsing candidates, you would think that all union members are involved in this process. Newsflash, the collective union members were not involved in the nomination, nor were non-union members. The decision was made for them.
The union has an interest in children, but not in the interest of children. Their goal is to maintain the status quo and have control over schools. They can only accomplish this through weak, compromised officials that sell out the citizens. An acceptance of the red apple endorsement is a pledge to do the work of the union, which is rotten.
A reminder of what the liberal union has done and is doing in our schools:
Worked to unnecessarily keep our schools closed and influenced unconstitutional forced health mandates to override the rights of citizens.
Blackmailed the school board to keep schools closed. https://www.watchguards.org/post/teachers-union-demands-school-districts-not-to-reopen-schools
Continues to work to hide curriculum from parents and keep them out of education.
Colludes with local news media to manipulate the public. https://www.delmarvaptc.org/post/worcester-teachers-union-colludes-with-local-newspaper-to-manipulate-the-public
Interferes in areas beyond collective bargaining.
Influences and interferes with curriculum.
Anti-law enforcement: Against having more School Resource Deputies (SRDs) and prefers Social Workers and Psychologists so they can collect more member dues.
Uses member dues to lobby for harmful legislation and to support failed policies.
Supports Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
Supports BLM https://marylandeducators.org/grants-support-black-lives-matter-at-school/
Injects and encourages political activism in the classroom and sees teachers as activists. https://marylandeducators.org/your-rights-as-an-educator-activist/
Supports and promotes sexually explicit materials in the school.
Sexually exploits children through the promotion of perverted sex acts. https://www.independentsentinel.com/why-is-the-nea-pushing-anal-sex-fisting-bondage-sadomasochism-on-kids
Exploits our administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
Wants to control all levels of government.
Fails member-teachers when they need legal assistance.
Interferes with elections and uses member dues to support liberal political campaigns.
Exploits the taxpayer’s resources by having dedicated use of our school offices, electricity, Internet, communication systems, and paid days off for union member development training on the taxpayer's dime.
Elena McComas, Jon Andes, and Donald Smack are their champions, because they will tow the line of the union. Their agenda is not in the best interest of our children. Both the union and the citizens cannot be simultaneously represented by our elected officials without impartiality. The union plays a major role in our currently failing school system, and seeks to control every aspect of government as a Political Action Committee (PAC).
In conclusion, the narcissistic superintendent is very nervous.
Fellows & Editors
October 26, 2024 - Copyright DelmarvaPTC.org
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