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Wicomico Schools Continue LGBTQ Agenda K-12

Fellow Editors

As we have reported in the past, Wicomico County Public Schools have been promoting LGBTQ lifestyles and indoctrinating students to accept, affirm, and endorse the practice of homosexuality as "allies." Anything short of acceptance is classified as hate and intolerance, when just the opposite is true. There should be no promotion of sexuality in an educational environment. This is textbook political indoctrination and grooming. The action of the school is self-justified as "promoting human rights." The question is, what rights are being violated if a school does not plaster gay pride flags all over the school? Absolutely none. It also has nothing to do with academics. That's why it's about grooming through desensitization.

This is done year-round by the school system, but heavily pushed during "pride month" when children are getting ready to end school and parents aren't looking. You will find LGBTQ flags in classrooms in elementary schools such as Willards, Beaver Run, and Prince Street, including middle schools and high schools. By the time parents find out, school's over. Of course the school system knows this. The cycle continues...

We have several pictures across the district, from elementary to high school. It starts with manipulation through subtle promotion:

"EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE." What a wonderful statement that nobody can argue with. Everyone can agree on that one. That's the point. Of course everyone is welcome no matter who they are. This statement is a hijacked vehicle used to deliver the message of the rainbow flag, to make the seemingly innocent message really about accepting, affirming, and endorsing the LGBTQ lifestyle and sexual practices. Can't the school have the same poster without the rainbow flag? Of course. But a universally neutral message is not what they want to portray or foster.

Another vehicle used to promote the message is on the topic of BULLYING and the statement "BE KIND." We can all agree that nobody is to be bullied and we should be kind to all. However, the gay-emphasized campaign is to convince the student population that gay people are victims, and those who are gay are the only ones who are bullied. Using the children to create these bulletin boards, the teacher had to first bring up the subject in class, convince the children of her viewpoint, and then students affirm the teachings using construction paper and markers. Wanting to make their teacher happy, it is then regurgitated in hopes for a good grade or letter of recommendation.

If a parent were to complain, the school says: "This is artistic expression created by the students. If we were to remove it, we would be violating their First Amendment right."

LOVE IS LOVE, is another vehicle used to promote the LGBTQ agenda. Another message nobody can argue with and we all agree. Usually, you will see the statement LOVE IS LOVE in rainbow colors or paired with a rainbow flag.

The ability to love is not scientific and cannot be explained by science, other than a gift of God's creation. This is something that many ignore, as they want nothing to do with "One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All."

If people pretend there's no God, they think there's no sin or consequence thereof. The school is promoting this secular humanism under what they label as neutrality. However, they are promoting the religion of atheistic humanism, a violation of the First Amendment. The delusion is, if they can promote a false god through idolatry and foster a lawless society of "anything goes," they themselves will feel a false sense of relief as one does in being a partner in crime. This is not liberty or freedom, but bondage. This is not love. The real message is LUST IS LUST.

Prince Street Elementary

If you have not read these past articles, we encourage you to do so:

Wicomico County Public Schools placed a gay pride flag in the cafeteria of Pittsville Elementary & Middle School:

The LGBTQ agenda clashes with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). One's sexual preference has nothing to do with DEI, yet the school uses DEI as an excuse to promote a sexual lifestyle. In doing so, the school system has neglected and discriminated against a large part of the community who are Christian, Jews, and Muslims. They do this by mocking the God they believe in by using the rainbow. The rainbow is a sign from God and His promise to never flood the earth again due to man's destructive sin. This promise wasn't a green light to sin, but a sign of mercy. The rainbow was selected to mock with rebellion. The school has gone along with this, fostering a system of religious discrimination and moral bullying.

What is being said here is not promoting any religion, but making a point of systematic discrimination and oppression with a divisive and destructive forced LGBTQ ideology that is designed to prey on children and desensitize them thorough sexuality. Just a few years back, we called this molestation. It still is.

Yeah, but what about separation of church and state?

If someone were to ask this question, they don't understand "separation of church and state." This statement is not exactly found in the Constitution, but most often quoted and cited as being. It's derived from the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Maryland Constitution, Article 36: Nothing shall prohibit or require the making reference to belief in, reliance upon, or invoking the aid of God or a Supreme Being in any governmental or public document, proceeding, activity, ceremony, school, institution, or place.

Separation of church and state was a protection designed to stop government intervention with the church, but not church intervention with the government. It's a one-way street. It's not two-way, that is so often twisted to escape accountability.

Of the things we see in both government and in our schools, there are many masked agendas that are molded into a form of what appears to be sensibly reasonable, but mean something entirely different under the surface. We see the school system violating the Constitution and establishing a sodomite religion by prohibiting biblical morality, while invoking the aid of a supreme being - the idol of homosexuality. Students are expected by the school to submit, bow down, and worship this religion through acceptance, affirmation, and endorsement, while being recruited as missionaries (allies) to enforce this doctrine.

The 2-minute video below sums it all up. As a parent, you need to make a decision.

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Fellows & Editors

June 18, 2024 

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