The Superintendent of Schools should be an elected position by the people. Currently, the Superintendent is a position that is selected and voted on by the Board of Education members. No matter if a Superintendent is loved or not, it should be up to the citizens. We need voted leadership, and the will of the people is currently being circumvented by an elected board who thinks they know what's best for us. We need to make sure that new MAryland legislation is created so that the people can choose their Superintendent.
Remember all of our school board members when it comes time for re-election. Please be cautious on casting your vote based on popularity, familiarity, or just because the person has been there since the Dark Ages. We encourage you to always take the time to look at the track record of each person's accomplishments to see if they are really looking out for the true well-being of the citizens, or simply existing for their own desires with an allegiance to the castle.