As we have noted in the past, voting in school board elections is one of the most important things you can do. Many people think that school board races are irrelevant, and some will even say, "I don't have any kids in school" as if it doesn't apply to them. It applies to every adult. Education is the foundation of our entire future, and the next generation will be running society. The liberal legislators understand this, so they along with the teachers' union will stop at nothing to have control over our schools in order to continue their political agendas in the classroom.
In an attempt to further undermine local control, liberal Maryland legislators introduced House Bill 52 (HB52) as an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to lower the voting age to 16 so that minors can vote and influence local school board elections. Liberal legislators know that they can influence vulnerable children to vote for liberal candidates.
Why is this a problem?
They're Just Children. These are minor children, and their rights are derived from their parents until they are the legal age of 18. They are still being taught by the very school system they would be voting for. It's a conflict of interest.
It's Child Exploitation. Children would be used to weaponize a political agenda unlike ever before. Because children have no real idea of the real world, they are easily manipulated and enticed to vote or behave a certain way in hopes of receiving a letter of recommendation for that college they wish to attend or even a pizza party. The liberal legislators know this, and they want to interfere with local elections by using vulnerable children. These are the same people that have undermined our elections by allowing illegal migrants to vote.
Child exploitation is already happening now, with student representatives on school boards. Some counties give their school board representatives voting rights, while most do not. Either way, you can see exactly what's going on at any school board meeting if you just watch and listen. When student representatives give their updates, most can be heard regurgitating indoctrinated liberal buzzwords such as "equitable, diverse, inclusive" to impress and bow to the establishment. Children don't talk that way. You can clearly tell that many are scripted by their principals and local activists as they unnaturally recite their school's updates.
It's Election Interference. Such an agenda to tip the scales to control the school boards through the electoral process using children is absolutely election interference.
It's Unconstitutional. Such an amendment cannot make it constitutional. The Twenty-sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution establishes a nationally standardized minimum age of 18 for participation in federal and state elections. The Constitution specifies the voting age as a protection against this very thing that legislators are now trying to do with House Bill 52 by making an exception for local elections as if they are not elections of the state. It's interesting how the Maryland State Board of Elections will continue to regulate local elections regardless of this conflicting proposed scheme of the state.
Maryland Constitution Article I, Section 1 states that:
Every citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 years or upwards, who is a resident of the State as of the time for the closing of registration next preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote in the ward or election district in which the citizen resides at all elections to be held in this State.
Amending the Maryland Constitution would be illegal, as it creates a conflict with the U.S. Constitution.
Article 2 of the Maryland Constitution Declaration of Rights states:
The Constitution of the United States, and the Laws made, or which shall be made, in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, are, and shall be the Supreme Law of the State; and the Judges of this State, and all the People of this State, are, and shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or Law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Here's HB52:

If this bill passes, it would be put on the ballot in the general election of 2026. No matter the results of the election, it would still be illegal with its conflict with the U.S. Constitution. If passed, challenging it would require suing the State of Maryland in U.S. District court.
Darren Lombardo, Author
January 6, 2025
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