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Community Stakeholder: What Does it Really Mean?

We hear the term "Community Stakeholder" in school policies and meetings. But exactly, what does it REALLY mean? If you lookup the term, you will see it's generally defined as: people, groups, organizations or businesses that have interest or concern in the community. That kind of seems to make sense. But does it apply in practice or practicality? Over the years, we have observed the elusive term in its application, and a "community stakeholder" as defined by our government is as meaningless as the picture above.

Every tax-paying citizen is a stakeholder, but they've been excluded by the school system. The very ones that fund the school, provide infrastructure to get to school, create businesses, jobs, and employ those that graduate are excluded. Tax-paying citizens are excluded when they become inconvenient or an obstacle to a school's political agenda.

For example, our schools have many policies which specify parents and faculty as the only ones having a say. Then, the schools hypocritically bypass the tax-paying citizens and allow political organizations and agencies outside of the community to influence, shape, and have a say in local policies and practices.

A specific example would be curriculum, textbook, and media selection policies. They allow organizations and agencies outside of the community, like the American Library Association, Planned Parenthood, PFLAG, BLM, U.S Department of Education, Maryland State Board of Education, the teachers' unions, and hired consultants to collaborate with school administration to insert political bias and sexually-explicit materials into the schools. Protections are then put in place through local policy to protect these practices and agendas, while the tax-paying citizen is excluded from having a say.

Any tax-paying citizen should be able to question or request the review of a book or material used in a county public school. However, tax-paying citizens are disregarded and excluded as a community stakeholder.

The school so often speaks of being inclusive, but their actions are exclusive. Liberalism and immorality are embraced, and conservativism and morality are ignored. Many school systems have an alliance of faith-based partners. If you are a faith-based partner that exists in truth and in alignment with the Word of God, then you are excluded as a community stakeholder (or will be if they find out you are). If you are a faith-based organization that is a compromising or corrupt church (Revelation 2:12-29), a dead church (Revelation 3:1-6), or a Lukewarm church (Revelation 3:14-22) that hypocritically ignores the word of God in support of all worldliness, money, political correctness, follow along with whatever is trending, or turn a blind eye to what the school is doing to children, then you are considered a community stakeholder.

How does the Maryland Constitution define a community stakeholder? "The People."

Maryland Constitution

Article 1. That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient.

Art. 4. That the People of this State have the sole and exclusive right of regulating the internal government and police thereof, as a free, sovereign and independent State.

Art. 43. That the Legislature ought to encourage the diffusion of knowledge and virtue, the extension of a judicious system of general education, the promotion of literature, the arts, sciences, agriculture, commerce and manufactures, and the general melioration of the condition of the People.

The term "Community Stakeholder" has been redefined as anyone that goes along with the political agenda of the establishment. Currently, those who are elected and in power are partial to who's included as a stakeholder and who has a say. But that must change.

A community stakeholder should include all tax-paying citizens who are of legal age to vote. Without them, these non-partisan school board members would have never been elected. In fact, there would be no school. Until this injustice is addressed, the term "community stakeholder" is absolutely meaningless.

Fellows & Editors

February 12, 2024 - Copyright 

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